A little background, this is my first 'multiplayer online battle arena' game, which refers to games like LoL or World of Warcraft. I am more into MMORPG games, which I played Granado Espada, Cabal Online, and AuditionSEA.
I am going to share how I started out at the game, the important basics I were clueless at being new to this game genre. And, this is how you can start out yours too, especially for non-gamer girls who want to try LoL, or join their boyfriends in game. Note, I am not an expert in this game and I can be more the deadweight than carry at times, but at least I can play the game decently. I am playing as 'akamida' on Oceania server in Singapore (hence the lags), and mainly plays the support role.
Non-Gamer's Starting Guide to League of Legends S5
Basics (In chronological enter-the-game order):
Skip the tutorial and go straight into the game, starting with a Co-op vs AI game. This means you will be playing against (computer) bots, and you have nothing to lose as your win/lose statistics for this will not show up in the long run. Most likely, you will even win the game if you are going into the game alone, as your teammates are probably seasoned players merely practising on a new champion.
1. You see people calling roles - Top/ Mid / Bot (ADC/ Sup) / Jg
There are 3 lanes in the game, this essentially dictates while lane you are going to go. ADC/Support goes to the bottom lane. Jg means jungling, which goes into a jungle rather than a lane. If you are in the top or bottom lane, you might have to help him to 'peel' the monster and give him the last hit depending on which lane he is closer to. Do NOT take the last hit as this can detriment the game.
There are champions that are intertwined with a specific lane. Exactly which champions have to be understood with experience. Mainly, the ADCs are the champions titled 'Marksman' like Ashe or Jinx. Clicking on the champion details give some information, for example supports being explicitly started as support.
2. Spells
Not having many spells in the beginning, we usually start out with 'Heal' and 'Ghost'.
When your account level is high enough to activate all spells, basically understand that,
Top Lane: Teleport and Flash
Mid Lane: Ignite and Flash
Jungle: Smite and Flash
ADC: Heal and Flash
Support: Exhaust and Flash
Of course, subject to other variabilities depending on the champions, but this is what generally applies.
3. Locking the Champion
Usually you would not press 'Lock in' immediately as other players might want to switch roles with you, for example. If you do 'InstaLock', you might receive a hell of a chain of vulgarities.
3. Game Objectives
The objective of the game is to clear the Towers/Turrets, and eventually take down the Nexus. There are 4 Towers in each lane (2 yours, 2 the enemies), 3 Towers and Inhibitors in yours or the enemies' base, and 1 Nexus each. Clearing the Towers in the middle lane is most important, as the distance to the enemies' base is also the shortest. You do not need to clear all 3 Towers in the enemies base, but it can help in the game as your minions can proceed further and even hit the Nexus. Clearing a Tower in the enemies' base allows the team to take down the respective Inhibitor. At least 1 Inhibitor must be taken down to be able to attack the Nexus, and taking it down gives your team stronger minions.
Inhibitor and Turret
4. Normal Cast/ Quick Cast
Upon entering the game, click 'esc' and go into your game settings. Toggle to 'Quick Cast' so you can hit your spells more accurately as a beginner.
5. Shop
Search for your champion's build in Mobafire, let's say Sona.
Choose the link with the most votes, or says Gold/ Diamond/ Platinum.. on the champion avatar. Follow the build given on the site accordingly.
6. Last Hit on Minions
Other than the jungler or support, the respective roles will have to land their attack on the minions only when the minion is about to die. That is, the last hit. It will give you additional money and keeps the lane 'unpushed' for the jungler to help (gank) your lane. This comes with practice. The support does not touch the minions at all.
7. Bushes
Bushes make you/ the enemy invisible.
8. Engagement
Being aggressive and constantly hitting the champion may not win you your lane, or even multiple deaths. Your personal objective should be to have as little deaths and as high kills or assists as possible. Only use spells when you are sure your spells will hit, and dodge the enemies' spells appropriately.
9. Engagement - Distance
Usually, if you want to take out the enemy champion, keep him lured further away from his own turret so he has lesser chances of escaping.
10. Engagement - Numbers
Let's say the bottom lane, the enemy adc recalled and the enemy support is left. You (support) and your ADC are still in lane. In this 2 v 1 situation, it makes sense to go after the remaining enemy champion.
11. Engagement - Levels
If a champion is fed, it will be easy for him to kill a lower leveled champion, or even 1 v 3 due to a drastic difference in level. The maximum level a champion can reach is 18. This level only occurs in game and is different from the user's level.
Level 8 and Level 10 Azir
Hitting the enemy champion under the enemy's turret will cause great damage to your champion. Hence, advisable not to do so until familiar with the limits of your champion.
When escaping, run towards your own turret.
13. Keys - Recalling with 'b'
Whenever you want to return to base, move to a safe position e.g. in the bush where the enemies can't see you, or under your own turret, and press 'b'. You will regenerate your health and mana quickly at base.
14. Keys - Pinging with 'v'
Holding onto 'v' and left-clicking the area of the map will ping 'Careful' to your teammates. If you need assistance, hold 'v', left-click while pulling the cursor downwards on the appropriate area of the map. Likewise, left or right for pinging missing enemies or on my way respectively.
15. Keys - Target with 'g'
Hold 'g' and left click to ping regularly, or on the enemy champion or any other objectives like turrets to target.
16. Keys - Statistics with 'tab'
Press 'tab' on your keyboard, and you will see the kill/death ratio and build of every champion. You will also see what champions or spells the enemies are using.
17. Side Objectives - Dragon/ Baron
The dragon and baron should always be warded, which means you have sight when the enemy champions are going to take them down. This can be warded by clearing the bug in the river, or by the wards purchasable in shop.
The Baron buff is essentially stronger than the Dragon buff, attained by taking the respective monsters down. Most of the time, the Baron needs to be cleared as a team, while the Dragon can be cleared as a team or a champion like the jungler. However, the dragon buff stacks such that the more dragons you take down, the stronger your buff gets. The maximum stacks for the dragon buff is 5. These buffs basically aids your team in the game.
18. Side Objectives - Red/ Blue Buff
A temporary buff is granted upon taking down the jungle monster. Usually the jungler takes it for leveling or ganking purposes, sometimes given to the ADC for red buff or a mage for blue buff to restore mana rapidly.
Red Buff
Blue Buff
19. Camera
Do not lock your camera.
20. Mini Map
Drag your cursor within the mini map to the spot you want to go, and then right click within the map itself. You can use it to quickly observe other champions. Pings can be used directly on the mini map.
21. Chatting
Press 'enter' to open and close the chat box.
22. Chatting - Cross-Chat
Type '/all' to chat with enemy champions. This feature must first be enabled in settings.
23. Chatting - Mute
Press 'tab' to open the statistics window. Click on the tiny button on the most right side of the user you want to mute.
24. Runes
The runes tab is under profile (not in-game). Do not buy any runes until you are level 30 (user). Save the IP till then and buy the basic Attack Damage (AD) and Ability Power (AP) runes.
AD Runes -
Greater Mark of AD, Greater Quintessence of AD, Greater Seal of Armor, Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
AP Runes -
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, Greater Quintessence of AP, Greater Seal of Armor, Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
25. Masteries
The masteries tab is under profile (not in-game). Again, go to Mobafire and create masteries for specific champions by following the website.
Sona Support Masteries
League of Legends: Beginning with Support S5
The support role is a good role to start out with to understand the game. Usually not many people call to play support so you can consistently practise in familiarising with one role. It is actually important contrary to belief, as it impacts on the kills your ADC (Attack Damage Carry) will get, and can essentially cost the game without your wards. Giving your ADC more than sufficient kills, in other words being 'fed' is crucial to winning the game - winning lane and pushing towers quickly.
Champion: Sona
Sona was one of my first champions, and the one that made me 'get the game'. It is definitely an easy-to-learn champion.
1. Abilities
Simply understand that,
q - attack
w - heal
e - move quickly
r - stun
Usually you will use r (the ultimate) on a group of enemy champions together. Add q as your first skill, followed by w, e and always add the ultimate when possible. Max e last.
2. Spells
Get exhaust and flash.
3. Build
To reiterate, follow Mobafire for beginners.
Example Sona Full Build
Understand that it is essential for every support to get a Sightstone (blue), for warding purposes. The Sightstone can be upgraded to Ruby Sightstone (pink) as an end build. This item should be prioritised after the basic gold item. Do not waste money on buying green wards time and again.
The free Warding Totem only lasts for a minute, hence its best to use it to ward the bushes in lane. The Pink Ward lasts indefinitely, but can be seen by the enemy champion without sweeping to be easily removed. I will usually use the Pink Ward in my own jungle beside the red or blue buff. In most games I played, it will last until late game or even the entire game. Otherwise, I will use it to ward Baron. The Green Ward lasts 3 minutes, and is the same ward coming from the Sightstone. It is constantly used to ward throughout the map. I will time the placement of the ward to the Dragon's re-spawning time.
Stealth Ward and Vision Ward
5. Wards - Where to Ward
When laning with ADC, I will place wards as shown in the colored circles below. Pink representing the vision ward, which you can only place one on the entire map, green being the stealth wards from the sightstone and yellow being the warding totem. The rest of the circles represents warding in mid to late game situational-wise.
6. Warding Totem and Sweeping Lens
Upon purchasing Sightstone, it is the norm to switch warding totem to sweeping lens in order to clear the enemy's wards. While in lane, clear the enemy's ward placed in the river's bush so that your jungler can gank bottom lane. Clearing the wards at dragon or baron can help the team to secure these side objectives without being stolen or attacked.
Warding Totem and Sweeping Lens
Do not hit the minions, in which auto attack can be turned off by pressing 's' or toggling in settings. Otherwise the ADC cannot judge the last hit accurately and the lane gets pushed, which is not ideal for the team's jungler to gank.
8. Poke
Sparingly use skills on the enemy's ADC to peel his hp. Go near, press 'q' and retreat. Make sure there is enough mana left to give support when the ADC decides to go in for the kill.
9. Kill
Do not take the kill by not last hitting and give it to your ADC, unless under circumstances that you or your ADC will die, or the ADC is definitely unable to take the kill.
10. Follow
As the support, you will be mostly following the ADC, particularly in early game.
This sums up the knowledge I was clueless of in the beginning of the game, and hope this helps you to start out in League of Legends. If you are still unsure after reading this, go into the game and have fun trolling!
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